AGM notice

Annual General Meeting. (AGM)
Notice of Meeting to all Current members.

In accordance with the constitution of the Association please be informed that the Irish Power Kite & Sandyacht Association (IPKSA) will hold its AGM on Monday 9th November at 7pm.
Due to the Covid 19 restrictions it will be an online video meeting. All paid up members have had an invitation to attend and a pass link to attend the online meeting sent to the email address they provided to the membership secretary with their 2020 application or renewal confirmation.
Any paid up member who has not received their invitation should contact the IPKSA secretary or Membership secretary to obtain same.

The AGM invitation and Agenda have also been distributed to members via other known electronic addresses of members as permitted by the member.

It is very important that as many members as possible attend to receive the committees update and to provide input to the meeting.


  1. Approval of 2019 AGM minutes
  2. Chairpersons report
  3. Treasurers report
  4. ,ember ship report
  5. insurance
  6. 2020/2021 events
  7. Election of Officers
  8. AOB

As previously advised this years AGM has been delayed due to the Covid 19 situation however the committee deem it possible to hold the AGM online and have advised all members of the AGM.

